
Posts Tagged ‘Internet Explorer’

Windows XP SP3 windows updates not working with 100% CPU–this will sort it!

November 22, 2013 Leave a comment

So I am setting up my new environment at home and I decided to create a Windows XP client machine for myself for the rare occasion that I need it to try out some functionality with XP or Office 2003.

So I install Windows XP Service Pack 3 into Hyper-V on my Windows 8.1 Pro machine and I find that the Windows Update will not install anything.  In fact it just kept running with no errors and the CPU would stay at 100%.

Well it turns out that the first thing the Windows Update checks for is updates to Internet Explorer and if you are not up to date with the latest security patch (November 2013 at the time of writing) then you will run into this issue.

The fix… install the latest security fix for either IE6, IE7 or IE8 and then run Windows Update.

That’s it, you’re all done Smile

Original article:

And the fix was found in the comments:

“The secret is to install the LATEST Cumulative Security Update for your version of Internet Explorer. This stops Windows Update from searching for any IE updates and blocks this update bug.

This is a recurring problem so the current latest version changes each month.

The latest updates are dated November 2013 (as of writing this). Download and install the update that corresponds with your currently installed version of Internet Explorer:

IE6: WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe

IE7: IE7-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe

IE8: IE8-WindowsXP-KB2888505-x86-ENU.exe

Thanks to DougCuk for the comment!

For the latest security bulletins, go to this link assuming you are reading this after November 2013:

So… you want to print a List Item (dispform.aspx) in #SP2010 #SharePoint do you? We’ll see about that!

July 31, 2013 4 comments

As my project continues to go through UAT, it is always when you let your projects loose onto the world that you find the niggles and the minor issues.

So having worked out the email issues (previous post) and a few other bits and bobs.  This issue came along and flumuxed me for a sec.


Browser: IE8, IE9

Environment: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 Enterprise SP1

When opening the view item value from a list (dispform.aspx), those with a large body of text in any multiple lines of text fields appeared fine on the screen. 

However on print preview / paper the text stopped at the end of the page, then it moves on to the next field.


I hear you say.


What on earth could that be?

I checked the previous system that I was migrating from (SharePoint 2007) and the issue was not present there.  So it had to be something to do with the HTML markup right?

Well I compared the SharePoint 2010 dispform.aspx markup with the SharePoint 2007 output and apart from more divs to encase it in, the output is pretty much the same.

So I tried to override with my own print CSS but to no avail.


After Further Investigation…

It appeared to be the doc type.  By default, in SharePoint 2010, this is set to IE8, where as in SharePoint 2007 it is set to IE7.  This combined with IE8 or IE9 caused the issue.

Internet Explorer 10 and Chrome however, no issues.


How did we resolve?

At the moment we are potentially going to set the doc type to IE7 for this web application.  We are lucky that in this scenario, this may work as a quick fix.

However, as for the full solution, that is still to work out!


Useful Links:

Group Policy reference for IE8: